Debrief 1

MC Siegler -

Chris Ziegler - The Verge

Anthony Wing Kosner - Forbes

Bruce Tognazzini -Asktog

Matt Asay - ReadWrite

Alex Heath - Culto do Mac

Nick Bilton - New York Times

Debrief 2

Anthony John Agnello - Tendências Digitais

Dieter Bohn - The Verge

Joe Wilcox - Betanews

Jamillah Knowles - A Próxima Web.

Dave Thier - Forbes

Darren Murph - Engadget

Nat Brown - ILikeCode

Debrief 3

Jared Newman - Tempo

Julian Clover - Notícias de TV de banda larga

Agam Shah - MacWorld

Ryan Lawler - TechCrunch

Dieter Bohn - The Verge

Darren Murph - Engadget

Brian Barrett - Gizmodo

Matt Clark - IGN


Adrianne Jeffries - The Verge

Reese Jones - ficando esperto

Ian Steadman - Wired UK

Mary Branscombe - TechRadar

Dan Bricklin - próprio blog


Lex Friedman - MacWorld

Luke Hopewell - Gizmodo Brasil

Ellis Hamburger - The Verge

Matthew Panzarino - A Próxima Web

Darren Murph - Engadget

John Brownlee - culto do Mac

Darrell Etherington - TechCrunch

Adam Dachis - Lifehacker


Nir Schneider - Gadget Mac

Ramy Khuffash - Conselhos App

Bert Archer - A Estrela

Ian Hughes - Pocket-Lint

Harry Slater - Jogador de Bolso

Brian Gallagher - Web do filme

Madeline Bennett - o Inquirer